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bronze scrap
What is a Bronze Scrap?
What is a Bronze Scrap? 480 270 admin

Bronze scrap

A gold, silver, or any other precious metal scrap or even copper scrap is called a “Bronze”. Any of the 3 types of such scrap (Gold, Silver, and Copper) is usually used in jewelry & fine jewelry making. It forms an extremely important part of different industries including export and domestic markets. The demand for these three kinds has increased in recent years and is continuing to thrive because of their unique quality and uniqueness. The buyers of all types of precious metals like Gold, Silver, Copper, etc. consider it as their best asset, which helps them to be highly competitive in this industry. These kinds of precious metals are classified as the most popular type of scrap in the jewelry and fine jewelry-making industry. Let us understand the definition of a Bronze Scrape with more details.

Bronze is also known as Bronze Jewelry Scrap, Silver jewelry work, etc., and in various other sectors. If we talk about Bronze Scrap then many things will come into play. Among those things, we would like to describe some of the common features that have been observed under that classification.

Bronze Scrap Classification

Bronze Scrap comprises several kinds of scrap, which is either made from two or four parts; these sections are generally separated by their weight, cut, size or shape. However, if we look at the main characteristics under each class, they are essentially identical. Therefore, this kind of scrap becomes highly valuable. This type of treasure has great value for people who love jewelry and the fine jewelry industry.

Bronze Scrap Price

Bronze Scrap may vary depending upon the price of its item. As mentioned above, it comes in both flat or round shapes (Bronze pieces), so we might see some variations in prices depending on their design and materials. A good example of such pieces is 2-4 x 4-10mm Gold Scrap. This piece is approximately 1.5 kg, and the price may range from $5 — $7 per piece, whereas 5-8 x 4-10 mm Gold Scrap has a price ranging between $1.95 -$1.95 million. Most of the time people buy bronze boxes to store their treasures. This is one reason why this particular type of scrap is worth so much money. Also, this is another reason why it gets high sales figures.

Bronze Diameter

Bronze diameter is the width measured across the entire length of the container. For instance, a 1/2 x 1/1 x 3 mm diamond is a diameter of 9.42mm. There are also numerous other measurements depending upon your requirement. An ideal measurement for Bronze Diameter would be 1/3 x 1/3 x 1/2 x 1/2mm.

Bronze Weight

Bronze weight comes into play when we discuss how long does our bronze piece remains intact after being melted down. A bronze item that remains intact if no longer sold is called having a low weight. You can either go for a higher weight or a lower weight. Either way, this process is critical because both factors matter a lot for the auctioneers. That is why sellers need to know exactly what is expected from their buyers.

Bronze Colour

The bronze color is what is used to judge the condition of a Bronze Scraps. In this case, every Bronze Scrap undergoes a certain transformation. So whenever somebody wants to purchase something made from Bronze Scrap for their personal use, he should consider this type of scrap. He should check whether or not he can trust his own eyes, ears, and touch with the element’s condition. It must always be clear from your end.

Bronze scrap Size

Bronze size refers to the length, width, height, depth, etc. This particular characteristic is significant for the selling purpose as well. As mentioned earlier, there are numerous Bronze Scrap available in different sizes. Thus it is necessary to choose the right size of one if not two or more. To get a perfect fit, we need to keep in mind a variety of factors like the following.

Bronze Color

The most noticeable thing to find in Bronze Scrap is the color. Every person looks for the perfect match in Bronze Scrap. Otherwise, we can say that buying from Bronze Scrap is an expensive affair. So before buying that precious box, go through Bronze Scrap qualities first.

Bronze Cut

Bronze cut refers to how a Bronze Scrape gets flattened into a rounded form. Some of them are done using a combination of saw, milling, polishing, shearing, and sanding. Others are done with hand tools like knives. But the most noticeable element is the style followed to make sure that Bronze Scrap stays flawless. So do yourself utmost care while buying one of this kind.

Bronze scrap Finish

The bronze finish is an extremely rare element since bronze has a wonderful texture. That means that the finishing agents must adhere to the unique traits of the Bronze Scrape carefully. And here, once in a while, customers may feel the uniqueness of antique stuff. But if such things happen as well, never use Bronze Scrap. It is better to go for something else, which is why we recommend buying from Fine Jewelry Scrap instead.

Bronze Handle

Nowadays, almost nobody cares about Bronze Handlers. But every year, somebody buys this element, and he says it is too amazing. At times, a customer has gone ahead and bought a Bronze Handling, which is made from Bronze Scrap but still didn’t want its handle to be any fancy. Well, that’s not true. Once in a while, a new addition can be found in the Bronze Handling. But let me tell you that buying from Bronze Handling or Bronze Scrap depends upon your knowledge. But you can still get creative when it comes to buying this particular element since nothing is impossible.

Bronze Grade

Bronze grades are the same as color grades, except for a few details. Those are usually taken into account when we talk about Bronze Scrap and buying it online. The Bronze grade refers to the level of rarity or authenticity of the Bronze Scrap. With this being said, the Bronze grade must not only consist of Gold, Silver, or Copper, but its weight range as well has some significance. The Bronze Scrap must be graded according to the conditions at which they were mined. For instance, if a Bronze Scrap was mined in a dusty area then it would be graded as Gold Scrap. Of course, for the sake of buyers, buying Bronze Scrap should not depend upon the condition at the place where the Bronze Scrap was created.

Bronze Scavenger Market

The Bronze Scavenger market is quite old. We can see it in Asia and China. Many young people love buying Bronze Scrap from Japan (Japan is now a major international brand). The biggest portion of Bronze Scavo collectors is based in the US and Canada, and Europe. On the other side of the world, it is growing exponentially. Here, every single month, someone finds a bigger amount of Bronze Scrap. According to various studies conducted by different industry experts in the United States, USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, South Africa, South America, New Zealand, Italy, Switzerland, Switzerland, Turkey, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, Mexico, Thailand, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Scotland, Norway, Poland, Iceland, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Spain, Scandinavia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, and others. Although Bronze Scrape is not the only precious stone type of scrap, its popularity has increased manifold over the past decade. Since people love buying such scrap for their jewelry and other fine jewelry pieces, it is becoming increasingly easy to understand how much buyers wish to buy such scrap.

Bronze Trade Agreements

Bronze trade agreements include, amongst others, the following. International Convention on Intellectual Property Rights (IIPs). All countries participating in this type of agreement are obliged to protect their intellectual property rights. Such rights are granted based on Article 17 of IIPs. For one to become a member of this type of agreement, one has to sign an appropriate license agreement and pay royalties to respective companies. Each country participating in the agreement is required to follow a uniform model on intellectual property rights policy.

What is Copper Scrap?
What is Copper Scrap? 800 450 admin

Copper Scrap

The economy of the copper scrap and copper alloy industry depends on the economic recycling of any surplus products. Process scrap, which arises from manufacturing processes is saved and traded for recycling to keep down the cost of the final product. On average, about 40% of all production is obtained from recycled metal. For a few products, the proportion is more than 90%. Recycling copper and copper alloys are relatively cheap, with small power consumption, and with minimal losses. The recycling of copper and its alloys play a significant role in the economics of production, which has been undertaken since the beginning of the copper industry. The cost of the raw material can be considerably reduced if an alloy can be made using recycled material. If the scrap is high purity copper and has not been contaminated by other metals, it can be used to make a high-quality product. Likewise, if the scrap is kept segregated and comprises only of one alloy composition it is easier to re-melt to a superior quality product conforming to industry standards.

Types / Grades of Copper Scrap

Different grades and varieties of copper scrap are used for recycling purposes and to recover pure copper from the scrap. Given in the table below are some of the important grades/types of copper used in recycling.


Copper has a variety of attributes that make it useful in so many applications today. The metal is a highly efficient conductor of heat and electricity, in addition to its being flexible, durable, strong, and resistant to corrosion. Metal has been a key to many of the technological advancements of man, the most important being electricity and telegraphic communications. The other important applications of copper metal include its uses in heating, plumbing, air conditioning, brass fittings, roofing, and in the production of various products, which now we take for granted – Radio, television, lighting, computers, mobile phones, etc. All these products require copper wiring, adapters, electrical leads, transformers, and motors. Several copper compounds and chemicals are also used to protect crops and plants to preserve the wood.

Copper Production

In particular, copper is not a rare metal and is produced in several countries across the world. The graphical representation shows the geographical distribution of the primary supply of copper metal. At present, the total supply of copper is made up of two sources, the bulk, 88%, comes from the primary production, which is new copper mined from the ground, however growing importance is of secondary supply that accounts for 12% of the total refined supply of copper. Secondary supply comes from the recycling of copper scrap.

The primary supply comprises mining copper ores that typically come in two forms, copper sulfides or copper oxides. The ore can be processed by one of two methods, which depend on the type of ore mined. Copper sulfide ore is first concentrated, then smelted, and then refined, each of these stages is a distinct process and can be undertaken at a different location.

Future Outlook

The recycling of copper is primarily market-driven across the world and this will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future, with the recycling sector consistently gaining strength. This strength, however, is typically a reflection of the consistently increasing consumption of metals and production of waste. As long as this is the case, the prices of scrap will remain high and the recycling rates should see at least a marginal improvement every year.

The governments in several countries have played an important role in the past where there is excessive production of waste in a sector or region, where human health risk is contemplated, or where international obligations necessitate action.

  • Copper Scrap Recycling – Associations
  • Canadian Copper & Brass Development Association
  • Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries
  • Australian Metal Recycling Industry Association
  • Copper Development Association
What is Steel Scrap?
What is Steel Scrap? 800 450 Arsalan

Steel Scrap

Steel scrap consists of discarded steel or steel products, generally segregated by composition and size or ‘grade’ suitable for melting. Three main types of scrap are used by the steel industry as feedstock. These are (i) internal scrap, (ii) prompt scrap, and (iii) obsolete scrap.
Internal scrap is also known as revert or home scrap. It refers to the rejected metal within the steel plant which gets generated during steelmaking, steel casting, and steel finishing activities within the steel plant. Prompt scrap is also known as process scrap and it is the waste generated during the product manufacturing by the steel plant’s customers i.e. the manufacturing industries. Obsolete scrap consists of that scrap that is recovered from discarded industrial and consumer items i.e. from ships to refrigerators and from construction beams to automobiles.
The first two categories of scrap can be returned to the steel making process with little or no pretreatment, obsolete scrap needs to be separated from contaminants, sorted, and prepared for steel making. Due to the large improvements which have taken place in steel manufacturing, steel casting, steel finishing, and product manufacturing technologies in the recent past, the amount of generation of the first two types of scraps has reduced a lot. On the other hand with resources of obsolete scrap are increasing as the world is becoming more industrialized and due to larger quantity of discarded consumer durables and worn-out industrial equipment etc.
Another way of classifying steel scrap is to classify it according to the products in which the steel was used before it became scrap. The main steel scrap sources in this sense are automobiles, ships, railroads, construction buildings, machinery, white goods, packaging, electric and electronic equipment, etc.
Steel scrap is considered to be free of alloys if the residual content of the following elements contained in steel does not occur at levels consistent with the purposeful creation of alloy steel. The residual level of elements contained within the scrap shall not exceed chromium 0.20 %, nickel 0.45 %, manganese 1.65 %, and molybdenum 0.10 %. The combined residuals other than manganese shall not exceed a total of 0.60 %. A scrap is considered to be off-grade if it fails to meet (i) applicable size limitations, (ii) applicable requirements for the type of scrap, and (iii) applicable requirements concerning scrap quality.
Steel scrap in itself does not pose any risk to the environment, i.e. there are no environmental risks in transportation and storage of metal itself. However, if the steel scrap is contaminated with oil or mixed with other waste, this may be considered hazardous for transportation or storage. For example, oil or any other liquid attached to scrap metal, when exposed to rain, may cause contamination to its surrounding environment.

Facts regarding recycling of steel scrap

The following are the facts associated with steel scrap and its recycling:

  • Almost 40 % of the global steel production is made from steel scrap. Around 500 million tons of steel scrap are being used annually for the production of steel.
  • Recycling one ton of steel saves 1.4 tons of iron ore, 0.40 tons of coal, and 0.055 tons of limestone.
  • CO2 emissions are reduced by 58 % through the use of steel scrap.
  • Recycling one ton of steel scrap saves 2.3 Cu m of landfill space.
  • Recycling of el scrap uses 75 % less energy compared to creating steel from raw materials.
  • Steel scrap recycling uses 90 % fewer virgin materials and 40 % less water. It also produces 76 % fewer water pollutants, 86 % fewer air pollutants, and 97 % less mining waste.
  • Steel automobile frames contain at least 25 % recycled steel scrap and a typical electrical appliance will usually be made of 75 % recycled steel scrap. Steel cans consist of at least 25 % recycled steel scrap.

Specifications and standards

Currently, specifications and standard classifications for steel scrap exist at all levels, international, European, national, as well as between individual parties. It is clear that for the reason of marketing and trading, standards and specifications are needed not only to set the price but also uses as a reference for classification and controlling of the quality. In many cases based on the production need, steel scrap is processed according to the bilateral specifications agreed upon between the scrap processor and smelters.

Institute of Scrap Recycling Industry (ISRI) of USA has developed specifications for steel scrap which are known as ISRI specifications. This American standard provides the norms for the classification of steel scrap and is used internationally. EFR and EUROFER have developed the European steel scrap specifications. These specifications cover the requirements from the safety perspective, the excluded elements for all grades from a cleanliness point of view, and the tolerance for residual and other metallic elements. These also provide a detailed description of the specifications by category, which corresponds to the type of scrap. National industry associations of some countries such as the UK, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, etc. have developed their specifications for steel scrap. There are also bilateral contracts/specifications made as agreements or contracts in trade between two parties. Such a specification is usually based on a standard classification with additional requirements suitable for the desired production process or product.

Basic loss of electric steelmaking, heavy melting scrap (HMS) is used. It is industrial or commercial scrap steel greater than 6 mm thick, such as plates, beams, columns, channels, etc. It also contains scrap machinery or implements or certain metal stampings. HMS is usually broken into two categories namely HMS 1 and HMS 2. The difference between the two is that HMS 1 does not contain galvanized and blackened steel while HMS 2 does contain galvanized and blackened steel.