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Itt ismertem meg az odds formátumokat, kombi szelvényeket, satöbbi. Minden nagyon könnyen ment, az oldalon lévő minden funkció hihetetlenül könnyen megtanulható, és kezelhető. Kicsit tartottam a fogadási szelvényem összeállításától, de rá kellett jönnöm, hogy tényleg nincs ebben semmi bonyolult. Nagyon jó dolog, hogy találhatok statisztikai adatokat az aktuális meccsre” “vonatkozóan, illetve az adott csapat korábbi meccseit is át tudom nézni fogadás előtt. El sem tudjátok képzelni, hogy ez mekkora segítséget jelent egy sportfogadó számára, higgyétek el, nagyban megkönnyíti a dolgunkat.

Aluminum Scraps
Aluminum Scrap
Aluminum Scrap 800 450 admin

Why reuse aluminum scrap?

Aluminum reusing is productive on the grounds that removing this metal from aluminum scraps mineral is costly, it dirties the climate, and it consumes a lot of energy. To comprehend how aluminum is utilized to make ordinary items, how about we look at how an aluminum can is made (Fig. 1). At the point when we reuse an aluminum can, we take out the underlying advances, and the reused aluminum turns out to be essential for a cycle that can happen again and again without loss of the aluminum’s properties. Aluminum is removed from a metal known as bauxite, which comprises aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and different mixtures that contain aluminum, silicon, titanium, and iron. Aluminum oxide is isolated from different components utilizing the Bayer cycle, which comprises three phases. To start with, bauxite is disintegrated in an answer of sodium hydroxide at high strain and temperature. The subsequent combination contains an answer of sodium aluminate [NaAl(OH)4] and undissolved bauxite deposits containing iron, silicon, and titanium.

Benefits of reusing aluminum scraps

The critical advantage of reusing is that it decreases how much waste that should be covered or consumed. On account of aluminum, there is likewise another benefit. Assuming old soft drink jars were essentially covered, new jars would need to be produced using new aluminum that would need to come from aluminum minerals. In this way, reusing aluminum enjoys a monetary benefit as well as a natural one.

Not all materials are monetarily worthwhile to reuse. Plastic, for instance, is frequently less expensive to create from unrefined substances than it is to reuse. Thus, while plastic is interminably recyclable, it is frequently singed or basically covered in light of the fact that reusing it isn’t savvy.

Different imperatives likewise make materials, like green glass, less alluring to reuse. It isn’t so much that the glass can’t be unendingly reused, it is on the grounds that the shade of glass can’t be changed — when it is green, it will be green for eternity. A ton of green glass is brought into the United States, containing unfamiliar made refreshments like wine and brew. However, hardly any items are made from green glass in the United States, implying that the greater part of it isn’t reused.

Another explanation aluminum scraps is more straightforward to reuse is on the grounds that it doesn’t erode, not at all like different metals like iron. In the event that left unprotected, iron is changed by the destructive course of rusting into iron oxide. At the point when that occurs, the metal needs to go through costly treatment to eliminate the oxygen while aluminum, which doesn’t consume, can essentially be softened and shaped into another item.


metal scrap dealers
Metal Scrap Dealers
Metal Scrap Dealers 800 450 admin

Misidentified metal pieces can be an exceptionally difficult issue. With final result quality, process respectability, security, and administrative consistence in danger, exact information on the grade and creation of the piece material being brought into the cycle is a need for producers who are purchasing the piece Metal Scrap Dealers. Additionally, an issue influences the cost of the actual metal, which impacts the main concern benefits for the two players.

The piece business is huge, so there is a ton of material to be recognized and a lot of benefits to be made. The USGS reports that autos make up the essential wellspring of old steel scrap – in excess of 15 million tons of steel is reused from vehicles yearly. That enormous stockpile is helped by primary steel from development, machines, rebar, and support endlessly steel bundling. One can envision however that the inventory of Metal Scrap Dealers isn’t spotless when it shows up at the reusing office. Who can say for sure what metals and composites are blended in the loads that show up at the scrapyards?

Also, dislike one can sort by variety; dim and rust are not the most ideal signs of the numerous metals from which an alloyed material might be made. As a matter of fact, the World Steel Organization takes note that steel (which is a composite of iron and carbon, manganese, and modest quantities of silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and oxygen) flaunts in excess of 3,500 distinct grades with various physical, substance, and ecological properties.

It’s no big surprise many salvaged material reusing organizations experience issues differentiating among different metals. So how could scrapyards guarantee they are addressing the right cost for the material they are buying, yet additionally affirm that what they are offering to makers is precisely recognized?

Meeting client determinations is essential to a salvaged material recycler’s business. As we distributed in a past article, If the metal isn’t arranged and confirmed, there could be unfortunate results. For example, aviation and auto parts made of some unacceptable materials could crack and break during use, ships made of destructive metals could sink, and high rises could disintegrate if underlying metal began to twist.

Also, it’s not only the steel business. The aluminum creation industry is extremely cautious about the piece it purchases. Contrasted with the clean, conveniently bundled, and distinct alumina unrefined substance to which producers are acclimated, post-purchaser scrap is made out of a combination of fashioned and project grades. The specific substance synthesis of scrap, including the presence of impurities or perilous components, might be obscure. (Peruse more about aluminum in the piece business.)

Copper is likewise a famous reused metal. Since a significant part of the metal comes from the copper wire from electrical foundations or even electrical cables, metal railroad tracks, church ringers, machines, sculptures, and so on, it doubtlessly is blended in with different materials too. (Tragically, copper burglary has likewise been a worry.)

Scrap mussafah
Scrap mussafah
Scrap mussafah 800 450 admin

How to choose a metal scrap recycling company

All things considered, attempting to find a decent piece of the yard where you can sell your Metal Scrap Finding the right scrap yard doesn’t have to be challenging Scrap mussafah . By following the tips below, you can finally choose a great scrap yard for your Metal scrap.

Some Tips you know before going to a Scrap mussafah buying company

To start with, you ought to look into their timetable of hours. For example, if you’re only available on Saturdays, the scrap yard you choose must be open on that day. Also, it can be beneficial to select a scrap yard that has flexible hours that can fit your schedule. The best way to find this information is to either call them or look up their business information on the Internet. and After all, you don’t want to use a scrap yard that’s over an hour away. Instead, search for “local scrap yard removal near you like Scrap Mussafah. By choosing a local scrap yard, you can have an easier time selling your Metal scrap due to this convenience. Besides a scrap yard’s schedule of hours and location, another essential part of choosing an excellent local scrap yard is to check out how much you’ll make for Metal Scrap. After all, it always comes down to the dollar, so you must contact local scrap yards to get estimates for your junk cars. You can also use their sites to compare and find the best deals in your area. Once you find a scrap yard with the prices, you should contact them to pick up or drop off your Metal scrap. After this, the scrap yard you go to should have a warranty so you’re covered in case anything goes wrong. This is another essential game changer that you ought to think about before settling on an official conclusion. There are many things you should keep into consideration when choosing a scrap yard where you can sell metal scrap. From comparing their hours to comparing their warranties, these tips should be able to help you make the right choice in selling your metal scrap to a local scrap yard in your area. For more detail get in touch with us.

Metal scrap buyer
Metal scrap buyer
Metal scrap buyer 1024 682 admin

We are a scrap metal buyer and recycler

Specializing in industrial metals, high-temperature alloys, ferrous, non-ferrous scrap metal, and all types of precious metal scrap buyer. Committed to our customers, we pay top dollar. Our scrap metal recycling covers the entire range of scrap metals. Whether you’re looking for some additional profit, a new revenue stream, or a responsible source to take your ferrous scrap metals, non-ferrous scrap metals, or electronic scrap, call Scrap Metal Buyers. For any sized business, we offer generous compensation for a variety of recyclable materials. We are a Best in this, we compensate fairly for your metal piece.

Turn your scrap into Money

Many people are always looking for a way to make a little extra money without committing to a daily schedule or a normal part-time job. So the best option is to turn the scrap metal laying around your home and yard into cash. Scrap metal can be very profitable if done properly. Even better, one trip to the local scrapyard and you can immediately get paid. Meet a metal scrap buyer and get back home with additional money in your pocket. And you also have to know not every metal is created equal. You will make more on copper than steel, but quantity is the name of the money game at recycling yards. Start looking around your property, in your basement, attic, and even in the bottom of your toolbox. What you find might just surprise you and could start you on your way to a scrap metal business. Separate your metals as you find them in order of value. Scrap yards are businesses and could try to convince you that they set their prices fairly each day. Perhaps they do, but do a little research at home before going to any yard to negotiate. Every yard does not have the same pricing for the same type of metal. Metals are either ferrous or non-ferrous, and the latter is worth more and there is an easy way to test this. Bring your load to us and drive home happy with your exchange.

scrap vechile
Scrap Vehicle
Scrap Vehicle 1024 633 admin

Metal scrap dealer As Western Australia’s largest city, Perth is bustling with development and always stays up-to-date with current infrastructure trends from around the world – often setting the tone for developing nations. But with construction and industry comes the responsibility of proper waste management, and how better to do that than with scrap vehicles?

With an aim of helping you understand the ins and outs of metal scrap dealers and the vital role they play in the health of our city, we’ve highlighted some of the most important things you need to know.


First, let’s take a look at all the parties involved and why they’d want to work closely with a metal scrap yard. Most of the time, those that visit scrap yards are people and businesses in Western Australia’s trade industry. Whether they’re electricians, contractors, plumbers, demolition experts, construction companies, manufacturing plants, or government departments, they have a need for (or need to get rid of) metal. In the odd occurrence, clever homeowners will also visit scrap yards looking for second-hand materials and appliances.

Scrap Vehicle Dealer Operations

Now that you know who is making use of scrap yards, let’s distinguish exactly what happens onsite. Two things take place:
People bring materials to the scrapyard in order to get rid of unwanted metals and are paid depending on the weight of their delivery. Establishments will buy scrap metals from a variety of contributors, namely the private sector (businesses), governments, and public organizations. Have a look at what we buy.
This metal will then be sent to the mill to be turned into new metal products. Only once the scrap is sorted into relevant categories (ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and electronics or e-scrap) and/or formed into new products will it be purchased by those looking for recycled materials. This ranges from common metals like steel and iron to electronics found in computer towers, circuit boards, and power supplies.

Scrap Vehicle Dealer Location

Because scrap yards require lots of space for heavy-duty operations and storage, you won’t usually find them in the private and commercial spaces now surrounding urban living. Instead, scrap yards are located in industrial zones that are not only out of the way, but offer large areas for offloading, storing, and working with metals. With scarp yards heavily relying on the trading industry, common denominators are things like population, construction, and demolition. Thus, they are also often found near major ports to ensure quick and easy transportation via trucks, ships, and railways scrap vehicle.

Scrap Vehicles

Every Metal scrap dealer is different, dealing with specific materials and a wide range of quantities. Some yards work with so much material that you could visit them daily, while others receive small batches of scrap less frequently. Our yards will operate throughout the week from 7 am – 4 pm, although this should not be assumed – rather schedule an appointment once you know where to. Saturdays we are available between7:30 am to 11:30 am.

Scrap yards are busiest during spring and summer, as developers and demolition companies usually start their projects at these times of the year. This is also true for home renovations, with construction taking place when it’s most convenient – usually when the sun is shining.


Metal scrap dealer As Western Australia’s largest city, Perth is bustling with development and always stays up-to-date with current infrastructure trends from around the world – often setting the tone for developing nations. But with construction and industry comes the responsibility of proper waste management, and how better to do that than with recycling?

With an aim of helping you understand the ins and outs of metal scrap dealers and the vital role they play in the health of our city, we’ve highlighted some of the most important things you need to know.


First, let’s take a look at all the parties involved and why they’d want to work closely with a metal scrap yard. Most of the time, those that visit scrap yards are people and businesses in Western Australia’s trade industry. Whether they’re electricians, contractors, plumbers, demolition experts, construction companies, manufacturing plants, or government departments, they have a need for (or need to get rid of) metal. In the odd occurrence, clever homeowners will also visit scrap yards looking for second-hand materials and appliances.

Metal Scrap Dealer Operations

Now that you know who is making use of scrap yards, let’s distinguish exactly what happens onsite. Two things take place: People bring materials to the scrapyard in order to get rid of unwanted metals and are paid depending on the weight of their delivery. Establishments will buy scrap metals from a variety of contributors, namely the private sector (businesses), governments, and public organizations. Have a look at what we buy. This metal will then be sent to the mill to be turned into new metal products. Only once the scrap is sorted into relevant categories (ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and electronics or e-scrap) and/or formed into new products will it be purchased by those looking for recycled materials. This ranges from common metals like steel and iron to electronics found in computer towers, circuit boards, and power supplies.

Metal Scrap Dealer Location

Because scrap yards require lots of space for heavy-duty operations and storage, you won’t usually find them in the private and commercial spaces now surrounding urban living. Instead, scrap yards are located in industrial zones that are not only out of the way, but offer large areas for offloading, storing, and working with metals. With scarp yards heavily relying on the trading industry, common denominators are things like population, construction, and demolition. Thus, they are also often found near major ports to ensure quick and easy transportation via trucks, ships, and railways.

Trading Hours

Every Metal scrap dealer is different, dealing with specific materials and a wide range of quantities. Some yards work with so much material that you could visit them daily, while others receive small batches of scrap less frequently. Our yards will operate throughout the week from 7 am – 4 pm, although this should not be assumed – rather schedule an appointment once you know where to. Saturdays we are available between7:30 am to 11:30 am.

Scrap yards are busiest during spring and summer, as developers and demolition companies usually start their projects at these times of the year. This is also true for home renovations, with construction taking place when it’s most convenient – usually when the sun is shining.

metal scrap price
Global scrap metal prices
Global scrap metal prices 800 450 admin

Argus provides comprehensive and detailed coverage of the global ferrous and non-ferrous scrap markets, with over 1,000 price assessments produced by its global network of highly skilled market experts. Argus is particularly strong in creating methodologies appropriate to the trading dynamics of a specific spot market and providing a mechanism for valuing scrap alloys. Through its extensive and unique metal scrap price assessments of specialty scrap materials or by using the Alloy Calculator, Argus provides market participants with an independent contract settlement mechanism for scrap recovery for even the most highly engineered materials.

Ferrous coverage

Argus offers a comprehensive regional view of the most active spot markets for ferrous scrap in regions around the world. Each price is available for direct comparison in multiple markets, with currency and unit of measurement conversions available to standardize charts and facilitate the detection of favorable trade conditions. Distinguished by either fob dealer or delivered to consumer incoterms, all prices are aligned with common industry specifications for that region. Explore the full list of scrap prices and specifications, including the length of history available on the Argus Metals platform for the grades, assessed.

      • Bundles
    • Busheling
    • Foundry/specialty
    • Heavy melt
    • Machine shop turnings
    • Plate and structural
    • Shredded scrap
    • Tool steel
    • Stainless and superalloys
    • Alloy Calculator, where the current value of any alloy can be calculated by an intrinsic value formula in the absence of sufficient liquidity to produce a proper assessment

    Argus has also launched a new Argus US Ferrous Scrap service to further enhance our coverage of global scrap markets. This new service provides a concise and focused view of regional settlement prices in the US – including Argus’ new Southern US busheling and shredded weighted average assessments – to support contract settlement and indexation.

    Non-ferrous coverage

    Argus provides the full range of non-ferrous coverage from scrap price assessments on UBC, Zorba, taint, tweak and twitch products, as well as exchange data (30-minute delay LME and Comex prices are standard with Argus products) and global base metal premiums. Explore the full list of scrap prices in each non-ferrous category and visit the exchange data page to understand the unique value that Argus brings through its analysis of global exchange prices.

    • Aluminum prices
      Aluminum alloy prices
      Brass/bronze prices
      Copper prices
      Lead prices
      Nickel prices
      Stainless and alloys
      Zinc prices
      Alloy Calculator, including over 200 predefined common alloys
      Exchange data

    Highlights of North American coverage Argus’ coverage of the North American scrap market focuses on spot market trading patterns within the most active regional domestic trading locations, as well as on export transactions. The full value chain is represented in the suite of Argus scrap assessments, from collecting at the yard to deliver to consumer prices:

    • 8 containerized scrap price locations
      14 consumer buying scrap price locations, including the US and Canada
      8 export yard scrap buying price locations
      4 dealer selling scrap price locations
      139 regional US and Canada non-ferrous scrap yard collection prices
      Prime and obsolete grades of scrap price assessments
      Mill and foundry grades of scrap price assessments: Titanium, stainless, and scrap alloy pricing
      NEW: Southern US busheling and shredded weighted average assessments

    Highlights of European Metal Scrap Price coverage

    Argus Metal scrap Price provides context and intelligence to European domestic scrap markets to help steel mills, scrap suppliers, buyers, and industrial manufacturers gain a greater understanding of the markets in which they operate. Argus produces over 50 European scrap prices assessments, including:

    • German domestic ferrous scrap prices
      Spanish domestic ferrous scrap prices
      Spanish imported scrap prices
      UK domestic ferrous scrap prices
      Russia, including St Petersburg, dockside price

    Highlights of Asian Metal Scrap Price coverage

    Argus carries Asian scrap prices from a variety of mature scrap-generating markets and provides insightful analysis of deep-sea trades and short-sea trades. Argus covers the full scope of steel mill purchasing activity for electric arc furnace-based production, including stainless and engineered steels, in recognition of the global nature of many steel feedstock’s purchased by mills across the world.

    • Taiwan imported ferrous scrap prices
      India imported ferrous scrap prices
      Pakistan imported ferrous scrap prices
      Bangladesh imported ferrous scrap prices
      China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan imported aluminum scrap prices
      China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan imported copper scrap prices

    Argus carries a variety of global scrap prices in each of its three core products — Argus Metal Prices, Argus Ferrous Markets, and Argus Metals International. To discover the combination of products that will provide the most complete coverage to serve your company’s needs, contact us for a consultation. Information about Argus subscription options can be found here.

What is scrap metal near me?
What is scrap metal near me? 800 450 admin

Put simply, scrap metal near me is the combination of waste metal, metallic material, and any product that contains metal that is capable of being recycled from previous consumption or product manufacturing. Whether it’s vehicle parts, building supplies, or surplus project materials, scrap has tremendous monetary value; so much so that the UK’s metal recycling industry is now worth upwards of £5.6 billion. Scrap metal can originate from commercial and residential use. Whether it’s a ferrous or non-ferrous metal, the processing of this into vital secondary raw material for the smelting of brand new metals is key.
These scrap metals have a high market value, with their ability to be re-used again and again. For instance, electricians might have wires and electrical equipment, plumbers are likely to have used copper piping and brass fixtures and even construction firms will have beam upon a beam of steel that could be quite literally given a new lease of life. But all too regularly these are tossed into the dump due to a lack of knowledge and sources for metal recycling.

Determining non-ferrous and ferrous metals

Before recycling any metals, the first important step is to determine whether a metal is ferrous or non-ferrous. This is a very straightforward process and requires only a common magnet. If the magnet sticks to your metal, it is a ferrous metal. If the metal does not stick to your magnet it is a non-ferrous metal.
The most valuable scrap metals for recycling are non-ferrous; the most common of which are those that do not contain iron and are more resistant to corrosion, including copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, tin, lead, and nickel.

Ferrous metals are less valuable to metal recyclers but they will still recoup some value if you have enough of them this includes metals such as steel and iron. Steel can be found in so many places; from cars to chairs, cabinets, shelving, and more. The term “ferrous” is derived from the Latin word for iron and refers to both iron and steel. Iron is the second most commonly occurring metal in our planet’s crust. Its natural magnetism is what gives the Earth a magnetic field. Because nearly all ferrous metals are magnetic, metal scrap yards often use massive electromagnets mounted on excavators to load and unload ferrous scrap from trucks and move it around the yard.

Non-ferrous metals don’t lose their chemical properties during the recycling process, they can be endlessly recycled. There’s a long list of non-ferrous metals, but some of the most common base metals include aluminum, copper, nickel, lead, tin, and zinc. Precious metals like gold and silver also belong to the non-ferrous category. Each of these has a wide variety of uses.

The most valuable non-ferrous metal scrap near me

Brass – Easily found on door handles, light fittings, keys, and plumbing fixtures, brass is one of the most common yet in-demand non-ferrous metals. Often yellow with a hint of red, brass is a combination of zinc and copper that can be extremely dense, increasing its value in pure weight alone.

aluminum- Yet another metal that’s often found in so many places around a regular home, aluminum can be recycled and reused in an alternative guise within a matter of a month. Empty drinks and food cans are the most common places to find this metal, but areas such as guttering, siding, internal and external door, and window frames are also good places to look. Aluminum is such an attractive metal for recyclers as the process saves 80 percent of the energy that was used to make it in the first place.

Copper – Another common metal regularly found in the structure of homes across the country, copper is also very valuable to recycle and very much in-demand at scrap yards. If the copper itself is in good condition it will be reddish, but more worn copper fixtures and fittings will appear dark brown and sometimes green in places. It’s a versatile metal which means it is regularly used as plumbing pipes, as a roofing material for guttering, with common electric wires, and even inside air conditioning units.

metal scrap prices
Global metal scrap prices from Argus
Global metal scrap prices from Argus 720 540 admin

Argus provides comprehensive and detailed coverage of the global ferrous and non-ferrous scrap markets, with over 1,000 price assessments produced by its global network of highly skilled market experts. Argus is particularly strong in creating methodologies appropriate to the trading dynamics of a specific spot market and providing a mechanism for valuing scrap alloys. Through its extensive and unique price assessments of specialty metal scrap prices materials or by using the Alloy Calculator, Argus provides market participants with an independent contract settlement mechanism for scrap recovery for even the most highly engineered materials.

Ferrous coverage

Argus offers a comprehensive regional view of the most active spot markets for ferrous scrap in regions around the world. Each price is available for direct comparison in multiple markets, with currency and unit of measurement conversions available to standardize charts and facilitate the detection of favorable trade conditions. Distinguished by either fob dealer or delivered to consumer incoterms, all prices are aligned with common industry specifications for that region. Explore the full list of scrap prices and specifications, including the length of history available on the Argus Metals platform for the grades, assessed.

  • Bundles
  • Busheling
  • Foundry/specialty
  • Heavy melt
  • Machine shop turnings
  • Plate and structural
  • Shredded scrap
  • Tool steel
  • Stainless and superalloys
  • Alloy Calculator, where the current value of any alloy can be calculated by an intrinsic value formula in the absence of sufficient liquidity to produce a proper assessment

Argus has also launched a new Argus US Ferrous Scrap service to further enhance our coverage of global scrap markets. This new service provides a concise and focused view of regional settlement prices in the US – including Argus’ new Southern US busheling and shredded weighted average assessments – to support contract settlement and indexation.

Non-ferrous coverage

Argus provides the full range of non-ferrous coverage from scrap price assessments on UBC, Zorba, taint, tweak and twitch products, as well as exchange data (30-minute delay LME and Comex prices are standard with Argus products) and global base metal premiums. Explore the full list of scrap prices in each non-ferrous category and visit the exchange data page to understand the unique value that Argus brings through its analysis of global exchange prices.

  • Aluminum prices
  • Aluminum alloy prices
  • Brass/bronze prices
  • Copper prices
  • Lead prices
  • Nickel prices
  • Stainless and alloys
  • Zinc prices
  • Alloy Calculator, including over 200 predefined common alloys
  • Exchange data

Highlights of North American coverage

metal scrap prices

Argus’ coverage of the North American scrap market focuses on spot market trading patterns within the most active regional domestic trading locations, as well as on export transactions. The full value chain is represented in the suite of Argus scrap assessments, from collecting at the yard to deliver to consumer prices:

  • 8 containerized scrap price locations
  • 14 consumer buying scrap price locations, including the US and Canada
  • 8 export yard scrap buying price locations
  • 4 dealer selling scrap price locations
  • 139 regional US and Canada non-ferrous scrap yard collection prices
  • Prime and obsolete grades of scrap price assessments
  • Mill and foundry grades of scrap price assessments: Titanium, stainless, and scrap alloy pricing
  • NEW: Southern US busheling and shredded weighted average assessments

Highlights of European coverage metal scrap prices

Argus Metal Prices provides context and intelligence to European domestic scrap markets to help steel mills, scrap suppliers, buyers, and industrial manufacturers gain a greater understanding of the markets in which they operate. Argus produces over 50 European scrap prices assessments, including:

  • German domestic ferrous scrap prices
  • Spanish domestic ferrous scrap prices
  • Spanish imported scrap prices
  • UK domestic ferrous scrap prices
  • Russia, including St Petersburg, dockside price

Highlights of Asian coverage

Argus carries Asian scrap prices from a variety of mature scrap-generating markets and provides insightful analysis of deep-sea trades and short-sea trades. Argus covers the full scope of steel mill purchasing activity for electric arc furnace-based production, including stainless and engineered steels, in recognition of the global nature of many steel feedstock’s purchased by mills across the world.

  • Taiwan imported ferrous scrap prices
  • India imported ferrous scrap prices
  • Pakistan imported ferrous scrap prices
  • Bangladesh imported ferrous scrap prices
  • China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan imported aluminum scrap prices
  • China, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan imported copper scrap prices

Argus carries a variety of global scrap prices in each of its three core products — Argus Metal Prices, Argus Ferrous Markets, and Argus Metals International. To discover the combination of products that will provide the most complete coverage to serve your company’s needs, contact us for a consultation. Information about Argus subscription options can be found here.